
Work Work Work.

I don't really have anything to update.

Classes are okay. Tonight I have flag football practice at 7:00, a hall Bible Study at 8:00, and a Mission Center meeting at 9:00. AND I need to get all of my homework done before that, including studying for two tests and brainstorming for a paper that is due next week. PLUS, I have to write and send some letters. Bah.

I think the stress is setting in. Haha. So uh, if you guys have anything funny, a song, a joke, a story, let me know, so I can laugh and de-stress a little.

Aight, I'm off to the library to do work.

1 comment:

Kristina Huling said...

Hey - no saying aight unless you intend to become a gangsta wannabe. We don't flow with real gansters here, yo. :P