

I just spent the last hour typing a new post, then the internet crashed. So I'll start again.

I finished reading Redeeming Love and even though I wasn't sure if I would like it, I really did. I learned a lot about unconditional love, and faithfulness, and purity.
1. It's crazy how Michael Hosea just kept loving his wife, even after he learned about her past, and what happened whenever she left him. He sought her out time and time again, and all he wanted was for her to love him back....and God loves me like that. Everytime I sin and hurt Him, He just wants me to come back to Him. There is so much restoration in Him. Unbelievable that even after all I do and have done, He loves me anyway.
2. I need to be faithful to God in my thoughts and actions and words and in everything I do, which is really hard.
3. Purity...I want to be able to give my husband all of me when I get married - every kiss, everything. I don't want to have regrets. I don't know, but like, Shaun had his car when he was dating Pam, and I can't help but think that he held her hand in that car, kissed her in that car, told he loves her in that car...and that makes it less special, in a way, to be in the car with him.

God's also been teaching me about how special I am to Him, how He truly treasures me, and cares about me, and wants me to love Him. I've been struggling with that, with feelings of just blahness. God's taught me more about beauty, how it really isn't about what people see, but about what God sees. And that's hard to remember sometimes.

The last draft I wrote was WAY longer, much more in-depth, but I don't want to write all that again. I wrote it once to get it out of my system. This is just for all you people who read this.

PS. I love you all. :)


Addison Degginer said...

your # 3 has been the topic of a lot of discussions with God, and a lot of conviction. I wrote about it on my site, but in other words, no more Grey's Anatomy for Addi.

hard to connect, but I will have to explain it to you when we get time to talk. love you!li

Kristina Huling said...

Did you update to the new blogger?

Melissa Joy said...

why yes, I did update to the new blogger. And it's really annoying, cuz I don't know which log-in to ever use.

Kristina Huling said...

I think you're supposed to use the google one.

I haven't updated yet. I don't know if I really want to. I'm glad to see the two work concurrently though.