
But When You Think Tim McGraw...

I'm a little irritated. Not sure why. I have my guesses though.

I really like Taylor Swift's song "Tim McGraw" - it makes me :)

My phone is freaking out. It keeps lighting up like it does when I get a new text message, but I don't have one, so I don't know what the deal is. Maybe if I turn it off then turn it back on, it'll be okay. I realized that i send a LOT of texts. It's a lot easier. Except today, my boss saw me texting Kristin. She didn't say anything about it, though, and I made sure that the next time she walked by, I was engrossed in my work.

VBS = MUCH MUCH MUCH love. I always forget how much I enjoy teaching Vacation Bible School. But I totally do. The lady who's assisting me, she said that I did a great job, that I'm a natural at this kind of stuff.

Found out about a GO trip to North Africa this summer. To Morroco. How cool would that be? I think I'm going to apply. It would be A-MAZING.

Spend a good deal of time today talking to a current Acteen - Roxy. She's super nice. I wish I could do something with the Acteens - teach a lesson or something. I dunno. But I don't want to suggest it. Is that lame? Probably.


Jade said...

hey i like that song too! its a good one :)

AFRICA!! woot woot. oh take me with you. i hope you get to go! you totally deserve it! fo sho!

and i think that if you really want to teach a class lesson thingy then go ahead and ask. the worst that can happen is she says no and it will be a little akward but time will get over that. so take a chance and go for what you want. we dont do enough of that in life.

Addison Degginer said...

so wierd!! I was thinking about applying for the Middle East Trip.
I love you and miss you so much!