
Gosh Dang It.

Are you kidding me?
That is ridiculous.
She removed me from her friend's list.

Oh my word.

So last night at church, a little boy that goes to AWANAS invited me to his baseball game today. Well, I'm pretty sure he invited me. Shaun said he didn't. If he didn't invite me to it, he at least told me about it. So I told him I would go. But now, dang, I have so much to do. I'm going, but only for like 15 minutes. Then I'm going to a crepe extravaganza tonight with my french class.

Yes, a crepe extravaganza.

Am writing a paper for English.

Well, "writing".

I'm actually just slacking.
It's due on Wednesday.
I shouldn't be slacking.

I started running with Kim. And yesterday, Helena joined. It's my goal to run two laps around campus (about 2 miles) by the end of the semester, which in like 2 weeks. I'm not quite at a lap yet. Tonight I'll make it to a lap.
I'm going to run everynight except on Thursdays, which is when we have Lifestream. But this is the last week of Lifestream, so next Thursday I can run. 'Twill be good.

Two more weeks, then finals.

1 comment:

Kristina Huling said...

I have a paper due Wednesday too. Carp. I should be procrastinating...