
It's Raining Men.

We have heard the thunder
And we have seen the storm
Echoes of Your kingdom coming
Rumors of our home
One day we will stand before You, Lord
Our altogehter beautiful reward.

I'm so stoked.

So, I'm starting an Ultimate Frisbee team. It'll be good. I have to do one more activity for my concepts of wellness class, so I made an intramural team. We are going to be soooo bad. Not even kidding. Oh well.

I started cleaning my room a few minutes ago.
Then I stopped.

We will lift our voices
WIth Your praises
Jesus, You are our King.

Je vous ai apporte des oeufs chocolat.
I brought you some chocolate eggs.

I need a new raincoat. I want a yellow rubber one...or maybe plaid.


Anonymous said...

Raincoats are fun, expecially when you stand out in the rain in them.

Kristina Huling said...

Or when you wear them for no particular reason, except that you want to.

Crazy, but we sang that song in church this morning. I got to help pick it out.