
Dude. I'm Bleeding Profusely.

Long time, no post, huh? I know. Crazy

Except, not, because absolutely NOTHING is going on.

Well, okay, obviously some stuff is. But it isn't that exciting.

I miss my peeps.

I'm housesitting right now.
I hope I don't kill the plants.

I saw some pictures of a dead lady at Dad's work the other day. It was gross. Freaked me out when I first saw her, then it was okay. Well, not okay, since she was dead, and I was looking at her. But still.

Dad and I went shooting after work today. I was loading the magazine, and I broke a nail, and in my mind, I was like, "MAN! I broke a nail!" Then I laughed at the irony - it was such a girly thing to do, breaking a nail, but then there I was, loading a gun so that I could shoot it for fun. Made me laugh. I, also, I got a cut slash scrape slash I don't know what to call it on my thumb, and it was bleeding profusely.

Ah. And my arm itches. And now I'm going upstairs.


Anonymous said...

I love you, I miss you. 29 days.

I don't think I could look at a picture of a dead person... :S Yikes... scarey. Sad.

LoL... I like...
a) That you broke a nail while loading a gun,
b) That you used the term "bleeding profusely"

I love you. Can't wait to see you... Not long. XoXo


Kristina Huling said...

I was reading Goblet of Fire on my way over (yeah, I'm still not done yet) and on I think page 140, the words 'bleeding profusely' were definitely used. It made me happy.

There have been a number of times when there have been stuff that's made me laugh here and I wanted to text you, but alas, no phone. I'll try to remember everything so I can tell you when I'm home. :)