
My Gun Show.

In high school, we used to walk into the library and look at the computers and make fun of the kids who were on the gaming websites.

But why?
We thought they were nerdy?
We thought it was a waste of their time?
We figured they were loners and antisocial?

How is them playing games any different (or any worse) than reading all the time or watching TV a lot?

It isn't any different, or any worse.

Are they nerdy? People who play and even make video games are intense - most of them are very intelligent. They design their own characters...they do everything for their games.
A waste of their time? If they enjoy it, it isn't a waste of time. That would be like non-Christians saying that reading the Bible is a waste of time to us. Okay, maybe not that extreme. But just because we don't recognize the importance it has in someone else's life does not mean it isn't important.
Loners? Antisocial? Not in the least. People who play video games are learning to be a team with other people - people they don't even know some of the time. They are learning to put their differences behind them so that they can further their clan, the group they play with. How is that antisocial? It isn't.

I always felt a negative connotation towards video games because Jeff played them a LOT growing up and he and I didn't get along. I thought they were stupid wastes of time. But...

Now I am dating a gamer - a boy who loves video games. He could play them for HOURS at a time. And sometimes, he does. But he really enjoys it. It's the same as me watching "Saved By The Bell" for hours on end or reading Harry. And you know what? He is the nicest, sweetest, funniest, godliest guys I have ever met. He's awesome.

So I joined his gaming network thingy. I am now WNxLeult on WarriorNation.net. Why did I join? you may ask. Because this is my gun show.

My Dad loves going to gun shows and I know that while my Mom enjoys them some, they are not her favorite thing to do. I asked her once why she went to them if she didn't enjoy them a lot. And she told me that she goes because my Dad likes them and because she loves my Dad.

It's like, being in a relationship, there is give and take. What's important to m'boy has to be important to me or else we will always be doing our own things and our relationship will be really weak.
And that's dumb.


Jade said...

true that sista!
though i am not a "gamer", i do like to play mario cart. and i completely suck at it but its fun to play with friends. and thats what matters :)

Melissa Joy said...

Fo' shizzle, yo. I'm totally not a "gamer" (lol) either, but Super Smash Brothers is pretty sweet, too.