

Sometimes doing the right thing is awkward. Sometimes it makes you really vulnerable, with a really high chance of getting hurt. But I think that most of the time, it's worth it.

Restoring relationships after a lot of hurt is difficult. It's hard putting yourself in a position to say, "Hey, let's be better"... especially when you know the other person might blow you off and not care about it. It's hard when you were the person who used to not care.

It's funny how those things change.

Ecclesiastes says that nothing is new under the sun... that everything has happened before and will happen again. The only thing that changes is people. Therefore, the only change we can affect is in people, in making disciples and developing lasting relationships that are irreplacable. Pastor Tom says that people are the only things we can take to heaven with us. And it's true.

Life has to be all about people - how to minister to and love them unconditionally. It's only through people that we can really make changes.

That's hard.

But worth it.
I hope.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great work.