
Walking Home In Joy.

Friday, after Mission Center, carrying Kathleen home (who is six or seven), we were talking about joy...what the kids learned about that night. And we had the following conversation:

Me: So what did you learn about tonight, Kathleen?
Kathleen: Um...joy.
Me: So what's joy? Is it the same as being happy?
Kathleen: No... it's different than being happy. It's like... it's like a happiness that only God can give that doesn't go away.
Me: Do you have that joy?
Kathleen: Yes.

Then we practiced saying Galatians 5:22-23, the Fruit of the Spirit verses (that's the series we are doing with the kids at Mission Center). So we said it together normally a few times, and we said it as quickly as we could, and we said it as quietly as we could. And she tried saying it, and did fairly well. More practice will come, but pretty good for week three of learning it.

It made my heart so happy that she paid attention, and listened, and was learning the memory verse. I remember last year she was so quiet... would only talk to Marci, pretty much. But now, she runs around, playing tag, listens during the lesson. I usually carry her home, and we always talk. I love her.

I love seeing how she's growing. All of the Mission Center OBUers feel the same way.


Kristina Huling said...

Hey I know a good song about the fruit of the spirit should you ever like to hear it.

Melissa Joy said...

ha hey sweet! We sang a song about the FotSpirit a few weeks ago. It was cute.

Anonymous said...

how are you?

Can I link to this post please?