

Sometimes I get really self-centered and all I think about it myself and what I want and need and how I feel. Sometimes I get so caught up in my little insignificant world, full of "injustices" that I forget that other people have so much more hurt and pain than I do. Sometimes I act like "goddess Melissa", not just Melissa.

Sometimes I forget that it isn't all about me. In fact, none of it is about me. Ever. At all.

And I hate that.

I think that's the thing I dislike about myself the most.

It's like...
Dr. Litherland said one time that if you are a Christian, you have to be all about love. Love should define you. People should be able to look at you, see your love, and know that there is something different, something unique about you.

And love... Love isn't condensed chicken noodle soup, fluffy love. Love is hearty beef stew with lots of vegetables on a cold winter day love. Love is thick and tangible and evident as more than just a feeling.

But if I don't love that much... and like that... what am I?
Certainly not an authentic Christian, for real Christians are called to love and forgive everyone - even our enemies... especially our enemies.

So then how can I profess to be such, if my actions do not match my thoughts and desires and words?

God, teach me to love... to love like You love. Teach me what love looks like, what forgiveness looks like, what a true heart looks like. Help me to be real, to be what You made me to be. Show me Your way, for Your way is the Only Way in this life.

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