

So, I was lying on my bed, pretending to study, and eating Dark Chocolate Dove Chocolates. I love Dove. I love the sayings in them.

So, I unwrapped my Dove, popped it in my mouth, and looked at the saying on it. It said, "Find your passion." And I thought, wow, Hmm... what is my passion?

1. Teaching - I love it. I love seeing the look of understanding. Tonight, at AWANAS, I was helping a girl named Kelsey, and I asked her when she asked Jesus into her heart, and she was like, "What does that mean?" So I explained it to her - that she is a sinner, and the Jesus died on the cross to save her, and that if she just asks she could spend forever with him. And I saw that look of understanding. She said, "Oh! I didn't know I could do that!" So I led her in a prayer to accept Jesus - right there in the basement of Calvary Baptist Church. Later, I was sitting with her during story time, and Amanda mentioned how if the kids wanted to ask Jesus into their hearts, they could talk to one of us leaders. Kelsey looked at me and smiled, like, "I did that today!" It was cool.
2. Ministering to people - Mission Center, mission trips, my girls... I love it. I'm so excited for Mission Center this Friday. It seems like it's been forever. And this summer...I can't wait. I'm so exicted to be a dorm mom in an orphanage!
3. Encouraging people - I love writing notes for people, drawing pictures, etc. So much fun. Next month, I am planning an encouraging note night for my girls to make cards and write letters to teachers who have impacted their lives. I'm excited.

My next Dove saying was "Live your dreams." And I thought, "Wow... that's cool that that came right after 'Find your passion.' How am I living my dreams?"

1. Being an RA - I wanted to do this since I decided to come to OBU, and probably before that even. And I love my job. It's hard sometimes, when girls don't come to events I plan, when I have a lot on my plate to do, when I'm just tired... but I wouldn't trade it for anything.
2. Going to Africa - or getting ready to go, I suppose. Exactly three months from THIS DAY I will be on my way to Africa. Holy cow. THREE MONTHS. So excited.
3. Going to college to be a teacher - When I was like 8, I had a Minnie Mouse book where I could draw pictures and answer questions. And one of the things was, "Describe what you want to be when you grow up." And I said that I want to be a teacher. :)

I think I'm going to put these in The Book for my F.H.
I wonder what his passions are... I wonder how he is living his dreams now. I wonder what passions we'll develop together and I wonder how we will live our dreams...

The Peanut Butter to my Jelly and I had a fun conversation in the car on the way back from the mall about... well, about our F.H.'s. And about wedding nights, and making out in the kitchen. I love how it isn't awkward.

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