
Ouch, Day Two.

My toe (still unnamed, but working on it).
Day Two of Brokenness:

My colorful bruises...

Look at how swolen it is compared to my other foot!


Addison Degginer said...

oh man.....can't wait for that kitchen time. its going to be amazing. :)

your foot looks hardcore How come you never told me about it? Wait, maybe you did. I can't remember.
I think that it would behoove you to go see the school nurse. :) lol she could maybe give you a wrap or something.

Melissa Joy said...

I did go see the school nurse. She was like, "Oh. Well, I'm not touching it. You can wrap it and make a splint like thing for it. But there you go. Have fun."

Really helpful, if you ask me. :P

Oh, the kitchen... remind me to tell you about the entry I wrote in The Book for my F.H.