
I Will Trust In You, I Will Trust In You.

Two weeks ago, everything was going really well. I was living life and loving every minute of it.

Then last week, it feels like it all fell apart.

1. I got word that there were "complications" with my application and background check to go to South Africa (which have since been cleared up).
2. WMU (aka, my home for the last two years) will be closed next year, so I will RA in Kerr.
3. I found out that I have to have a roommate next year... and NONE of my friends will willingly live in Kerr when they could go to apartments.
4. Money is VERY slowly dribbling in for my mission trip - only like $125 so far, which is so discouraging.
5. I don't know what to do about Tink. She's wearing on me. I feel like when she's at Mission Center, I have to spend time with her, rather than ministering to the kids in the kids group. And I LOVE the kids group. It breaks my heart that I feel like I can't be with them.
6. Shaun's sick, so he's always sleeping. Which is fine. He needs to get better. It just makes me sad to see him hurting.

So, God's been teaching me a LOT about worry and trusting Him. It's hard. And I don't always like His plans. They scare me and worry me and make me angry. But He is still God. He is God and I am not...for a reason. I know that I would just mess everything up.

But He has the whole world in His hands - something I can't even imagine - and I will trust Him.

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