
Authentic Living.

So, here I am. Last night before my last day of class as a sophomore at OBU. Where has the time gone? I mean, really. Seems like yesterday I was moving in on during Welcome Week, wearing my beanie. Now, I am slowly packing up my sophomore dorm room, about to leave for home, for Africa.

In Civ, we've been talking about living an authentic life. What does that really look like?

And... I don't know. I think it's about more than just not lying on facebook. I think it's about knowing your place in the world - where you stand, what your role is. It's about knowing who you are, not in the world's eyes, per say, but in God's eyes. It's about being comfortable enough in your own skin that nothing can deter you from doing what you are called to do.

And that isn't easy.

I mean, it's hard to live a free, comfortable life when everyone around you is drowning in a lack of self-confidence... when no one is willing to step out of their shell and really BE who they're meant to be.

None of us are called to live shallow, turtle lives where we merely hang out in our shell all day. We are called to be fabulous... to allow God to be fabulous through us. Being meek does not help the world at all. Holding back from letting yourself shine does nothing for the universe.

We are called to let our lights shine. And when we do that, when we grace the world with the amazingness that God has given us, that's when we live authentically. That's when and where we see that without God, we're useless... that without Him, there is nothing we can do. But when we are humble, and recognize that, that's when we can live. That's when we can act and dream and hope and be fearless. Because that's when we know...well, everything that needs to be known.

I mean, maybe I won't be a really famous person one day. My dream used to be to be famous. But now... I'm okay without that. Because maybe, if I was in that place, I would no longer really be me. I wouldn't be authentic.

As a teacher, I can really be someone who effects change in the world through the lives of my students. I can really have an influence in their lives, in their walks through the world of education. And that excites me.

I'm excited that God has called and gifted me in that realm. I know that not everyone is called that way, and I'm excited (and surprised) that I am among those who are.

So, authentic living. It could be a magazine, like Martha Stuart Living.

Except, instead of having "How to make a centerpiece out of twine and newspaper," it can be filled with articles about "How to play big, take chances, and have fun." Because I think that everyone needs to know that lesson even more.


Anonymous said...

Hey, I am so glad I have a friend like you.

This just did a lot for me, probably more than you know.

I love you.

Anonymous said...

Melissa, you really get it. And you may find it interesting to know there is a magazine on authentic living. You can find it at www.authenticliving.com. And it is about what you say: being comfortable enough in your own skin that nothing can deter you from doing what you are called to do.