

Well, I am (mostly) all packed. Carp - can't forget the Superman poster... It's the only thing left on my walls.

I finished Civ with an A. :) I dominated the final. I only missed 16 points on it - 159 out of 175. The only thing was that I sometimes got my key facts mixed up. But I got a LOT of check marks and underlines, which is good. Hello, 4.0 again! That means my GPA will be about 3.9 now. Yay!

I worked really hard this semester, and am happy with the results.

I saw Helena today! She came over while I was working and helped me fold my clothes, then she helped me pack for like 2 hours. What a good friend. I'm so excited to show her Alaska. My mom is, too. She's planning a nice roadtrip for us.

I want to go to Canada this summer, too. And lots of hiking/Butte climbing. And lots of talking. I can't wait to just TALK to my friends...face to face, not on-line or on the phone. You know? I'm ready for that personal touch.

Of course, that means saying goodbye to people here - Kim, Addi, Jenna, Olivia, my girls, the other RAs, my class friends (Kristin, Russell, Aaron, Carissa, Hannah) Mission Center people (Allen, Galend, David, April, Laura), and the Seniors (John, Amanda, and Amanda). And of course, Shaun.

We're... okay... now, by the way. Not amazing. This week has been really trying on our relationship... at least on my half of it. I don't know.

And now, I should take some more stuff to Kerr so that Shaun doesn't have to carry everything for me. I just took one load. The attic there scares me, though, and so does the elevator. I don't like it.

I hope my bags aren't over 50 pounds. THat would kind of suck. A lot. I would have to pay money. Lame. Good thing I get two bags still, though. How did I get this much stuff? It's like it DOUBLED this year. I don't understand. I think this fall I'm going to go through and purge a lot. The only issue with that, though, is that I am WAY sentimental, and can't get rid of ANYTHING.

Okay, Kerr's attic, here I come. Let's do this.


Kristina Huling said...

Face to face is our friend. =)

Addison Degginer said...

kerr=sick Mcnasty

you=I am missing terribly