
Be The Change.

I'm realizing more and more how things change. And I mean, I know that change is inevitable. But the width... the extent to which things change never ceases to amaze me.

My parents are the same. Sweet, caring Mom and funny, random Dad.

Work is the same. ALways lots of food, random conversations, and boring filing. The work quote of the day was spoken during our picnic lunch. Joy said, "I love those geeks with personalities."

Church is different, though. Everyone has mentioned how much I have matured. Which I guess I never realized before. But it's true... for sure. I don't really know where I fit in at church anymore. I mean, I'm teaching Sunday School all summer, and VBS next week, but other than that... I still feel caught between the adults and the youth. So I'm just trying to serve - washing dishes, picking things up... I don't really know what else to do, and it seems like a good way to spend my time.

Friends are different too. Not good or bad... necessarily... but different. Relationships have changed. Some have gotten a LOT deeped, but others have become a LOT more superficial.

I guess change has to occur for growth to occur. And growth has to occur for the work of God to be accomplished.

I just wish it was easier.

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