
Inside Jokes, South Africa Style.

I have so much I want to say about it.
I think several posts will be in order.

"A is for Jesus, B is for Jesus, 7 is for Jesus, 3.9 is for Jesus..."
Flat tires.
"Leavin'" by Jesse played in the Spar supermarket in Colenso.
Being Everything Buddies with Rachel.
The safety video on the plane.
"You're under arrest!!!!!"
Checking seats for AIDS.
"I've got the HIV."
Nate's number 3.
Emergency West Texas State University.
Frank from Peurto Rico: "NO HUGS!"
Not seeing rhinocerouses.
Getting ripped off by the guy with the knives.
Playing on the play ground.
Soccer - bahaha.
Stinkin' Cold Showers every 2 or 3 days.
Psycho lady at the gas station.
Singing like Tarzan.
Lion King.
Prayer walkinging like Joshua, only in song.
Tahmee and Bali.
Being cut from the same personality tree as Darren.
Talking at 2:00 in the morning.
Our house not speaking English.
The little boy crying about his temporary tattoo.
Sawing chicken with dull knives.
Hair on your hands = masculinity.
Singing Christmas carols.
Hugging kids with AIDS or who are HIV positive.
The Smiling Club.
Being "The Man".
Delicious fruit salad, made with Mic.
Seeing giraffes on the side of the road in the wild.
Walking for help in the jungle.
Being open and encouraging others through it.
My African Mom.
Tiaras to the girls.
Being comfortable with myself.
Connections with all ages of kids.
Being friends with people who actually know how to listen.
My Zulu name, S'Mangaliso.
"Bye bye."
"Tell your Mom I said hi."
Proverbs 31.
Isaiah 43, time and time again.

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