
My Dress Is Very Chicken.

I haven't updated much this summer. Only once or twice this entire month.

So here I go.

Work sucks. I hate my job, and every day want to stab myself in the face. I was yelled at one day for taking my lunch break - YELLED AT! - in front of everyone. It was so infuriating. So now I just listen to my little iPod and do my thing. They also decided to paint all of the offices, and each department got to choose their own color. The Payroll ladies chose some shade of cat puke. Three walls are pale mint green (the color your puke would be if you ate too much mint chocolate chip icecream) and another wall is a nice pale sunshine yellow. I don't like the mixture at all. But then again, I'm more of a deep and vibrant color person. Like one lady: her office is a beautiful deep red color. I like it.

But I do have a new love: working out. I NEVER thought I would be able to honestly say that, but I can. Here's an even deeper confession: I like running. I know, crazy. But I realized that now that I can run for two miles without stopping or absolutely dying, this whole running thing isn't bad. And I also have a new workout goal: I want to run the Bison-a-thon. Oh, not the half marathon - not at all - but the little 5K would be nice. So that's what I'm training for. (Side note: I feel so official saying that I'm TRAINING. But I guess I am, really.) I've already knocked over a minute off my starting time. Addi agreed to be my coach/encourager, which is nice. I know she'll keep me accountable. And Kim may even run it with me. And I have a time goal... it's really lofty, and I would have to average a pace that's one and a half minutes faster than my fastest mile. So we'll see. But I have a couple months to get in shape.

On that note, since I have been working out fairly regularly all summer, I am now down one pant size, thank you very much. :) I've literally worked my butt off... not that I had much of one to begin with, but you know.

The sisters were together again, even if it was only for like an hour and a half. But nonetheless, it was fun. And when we were taking pictures outside, a random man stopped and laughed at us and took our picture. It was fantastic. But really, it didn't feel much like old times. We've all grown up. We've all experienced new and different and fun and horrible things. And as much as we talk about those things, there's no way we will ever be able to reverse time and include eachother in those moments. Therefore, all we can now do is move forward... we can't change our past frienships. We can't appologize or dwell on how good they were. All we have now is ourselves and eachother. And what we make of that is up to us.

So Hannah, Jade, and I decided to make something of it. We had a photo shoot. Tony did a fantastic job as our official photographer. I paid him in high fives. We got some really cool pictures (you can see them on facebook) and a very funny video was made in the process (also on facebook). Next week we are roadtripping! We're going to Fairbanks, which is like 7 or 8 hours away, but I for one am excited. Tomorrow night is our planning session to decide everything we're going to do. Yay, friends.

And Tony and I had lunch today at Subway. He was in Palmer and I didn't have a lunch buddy, since Mom had a meeting and Cody had to work, so Tony and I met at Subway. He, uh, declared his undying love for me, which he said was cemented when I gave him the keychain from Africa. Awkward? A little. But it's Tony. It's okay.

I miss Shaun. There were a few times this summer when... when I doubted. But I do miss him. I'll see him in 18 days. I can't wait. I hope we do exciting things while I am there. I always visit him, but we never do cool Wichita things, and I would really like to. That, and my back has been hurting all summer, so I really want a back massage. Awkward? Probably. Sorry. It's true. And I can't wait to give him his Africa present. Here's a hint: It's blue and could potentially kill someone, but it isn't a weapon. Dun Dun Dun.

OBU? Not too excited. I really want to see some of my professors. I don't even remember what classes I signed up for. My parents are coming to visit in October though, and they are bringing me a car, so that's really super fun. I can't wait to introduce them to everyone and show them what I do at OBU. It would be awesome if the Bison-a-thon happened on the same weekend they are there. Then it'd be like, "Hey, look what I worked really hard for!"

I want to make them proud.

Anyway, I just finished working out, and am all sweaty and ew (good thing Shaun isn't here). So I need to go bathe. Mm.. I love showers. Then I am calling my boo (haha - this one time, someone made fun of me for calling him my boo. They said it was something only black people said. But now I don't remember who it was, and I wish I did. Maybe it was my cousin Winston... he's in the army now, by the way, and he loves it. What's with my family and the army? Is it a Krauss gene? Will my kids get it? How did I miss out on it? Or do I have it too and am missing my calling in life? CRAP! What if I'm headed down the completely wrong path, and my whole life is going to be screwed up because of this? OH MY GOSH! I don't want to join the army! They run a lot! But I like running now, so that part might not be so bad. But they also wear camo, and I'm not a fan. But one time, I saw a camo print bikini and it made me laugh. It had pink edging on it. It was at the Sportsmans' Warehouse. Ironically, I bought a really cute dress there. It's very earthy looking - red and white print with flowers. Very chic. Whenever I see the word chic, I think "chick" as in, chicken. Which is NOT at all what it means. "My dress is very chicken." I don't think so. But for some reason THAT reminded me that I also really like to crochet now. I'm currently stuck in the middle of making a sweater vest, and have instead turned to making a white, brown, and blue scarf. It's cute. And fun. And wow, I got so off track there. Sorry.)

So yeah. Okay. Bye bye. Tell your Mom I said hi.


Addison Degginer said...


Kristina Huling said...

I think we can go on together.
I like this post.
I miss you.