
You're All I've Ever Needed.

I spoke in church this morning, about Africa.
And I cried. A lot. Which I didn't REALLY expect, but it worked.

It is always so refreshing being with people who love and accept you as is, not having to change yourself for them, not having to try hard or practice what you'll say. I miss Rachel a lot, because that's how we were together. No matter what we were doing, be it on a safari, or swinging, or sitting with the babies, we worked.

It's funny when God throws friends at us in the most challenging situations, when He knows that they will be the friends that get us through those situations.

I miss Addi, too.

I noticed one big difference between the South African church I went to and the church here. The difference is that there, people were excited. There was the little, 85 year old lady in the awesome green coat, swaying and clapping in the aisle. There was the call to prayer, where everyone went forward. And here, I'd look around, and no one was even smiling. Saddens me.

1 comment:

Addison Degginer said...

I miss you.