
Oh My Gosh! An Empty Chair!

Just got back from RA retreat.

We had two hours of free time one afternoon, so Cari and I went for a run that turned into a walk after a short period of time. And we just talked and walked for two hours. It was fantastic. We had a really good conversation. And it makes me excited to be working with her again. We didn't just talk about superficial stuff, but we discussed relationships, and God, and our families, and trips we went on this summer.

It makes me realize how much the other RAs matter in my life. They are the ones that understand what it's like when residents are crap, when life is busy overwhelming, when everyone comes to you all the time and you just need to talk. They understand. And I like that.

I mean, I know other people understand, too. People will always act like crap, life will always be busy overwhelming, and people will always need to just talk.

So I don't know. But I like it.

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