
Say Okay.

I met a beautiful old woman today who graduated from OBU in 1944. She now serves on the Board of Directors or something like that, and is staying in the guest suite here in Kerr.

She asked where I was from, then told me a story about her husband going bear hunting in Kotzebue, Alaska in the 1970s, and how she gave him a check to give to the pastor of a Southern Baptist Church just so that he would attend a church service. The Pastor told him that he was the first hunter to ever go to church there.

I love random little meeting people moments like this. I love when you meet someone, and are just like, "Oh, hey, we have a little connection here."

My new girls move in tomorrow. I've realized that I haven't been calling them My Girls, like I did last year. My heart is a little bit hardened right now. I'm not really feeling this whole "RA" thing. But... it's coming. In less than 7 hours I will be waking up to get ready to welcome my girls. Crazy.

I want to leave a mark on their lives. I want it to matter that I am here. I don't want to just drift through this year, not really caring. Because I need to care. I need to be here for them. I need to do my job, putting my heart into it. My girls deserve that, if nothing else. I want them to know that I love them, even though I don't know them yet. I need a heart change.

And I need sleep. Story of my life.

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