
How I Think.

I never really thought much about how I think... until last night, when a special someone asked me to explain how I think.

So I did.

I told him that my thoughts flit around easily, that my brain gets distracted and thoughts that shouldn't flow together, do. For example, I'll start thinking about the pretty flowers sitting by my bed, then I'll think about the person who gave them to me, then about what that person is doing, how our paths will cross again in the future, about my future and my hopes and dreams... and all of those thoughts occur in like a 5 second time span.

I think things quickly and randomly. I think about the future a lot and I dwell on the past too much. I compare myself. Sometimes I like to just BE and not think.

I loved New York City because it made me see humanity in a new way. All the thousands of people walking down the street have lives - a family, friends, a history. They attended an elementary school and experienced the emotions one feels on the first day of high school. They had to decide what to wear, to brush their teeth or not, and how they would get to work. It's fascinating to me that they all have their own thoughts, that our thoughts consume us so much that sometimes we tune the real world out.

I like to come up with solutions to practical problems, like "How do I hang my mirror up?" I'd much rather think about those things than deep philosophical or theological ideas. I think that thinking needs to be practical, not just some fluffy thing out there. What's the point of thinking if it won't lead to action?

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