
Fall Break Beckons Me Forth.

Fall Break, Fall Break, Fall Break...

It has totally been a time of learning... about who I am and how I am viewed, etc. I pretty much had a nervous breakdown, but I am okay. :) Better than okay.

I retook my Strengths Finder test, and had different themes than before. I still have Strategic, Futuristic, and Positivity. But now I am also an Activator and a Maximizer, which seems more like me than the other two I had.

My wrist is bruising and is a pleasant shade of yellow, brown, and greenish-blue. I am having an allergic reaction (pleasant, I know) to the brace, so that's awesome... ha.

Realizations about who I am:
1. I like to move and get things done.
2. I get hurt a lot...physically. My Dad and I talked about this the other day. Funny. I never thought I was that accident prone, but I totally am.
3. I would rather watch TV than play video games.

It hasn't been that rough of a semester for me so far. I have projects to do towards the end of the semester but I love my classes and think I will love the projects, too. MMMmm.... I want some dinner, then to go DO something.

Fall Festival, perhaps?

1 comment:

taylor said...

melissa! i stinkin' love you. just thought you should know that. =)