
Hard Week.

Quite the week, I'd say, since last Saturday. Typing is hard, but I'll get to that.

Friday the 10th was mine and Shaun's two year anniversary (minus the week or so that we were apart). Our date was on Saturday. I had to plan it, since it's an "even" year, which is a new rule that Shaun made up this year. Lame. Anyway, I reserved this "private campfire" which turned out to be not private at all. So instead, we went to Shawnee Lake and hung out there. And we ate dinner at IHOP. Ha. IHOP. Like iHOP. Like a frog that plays music from your iPod.

Shaun preached in church on Sunday about forgiveness, and I've been thinking about it a lot since then. That night, there was a chili cook-off at church. Shaun and I made dessert together, making it up as we went and it turned out really good. We melted peanut butter and chocolate together, rolled marshmallows in it, then rolled the marshmellows in graham cracker crumbs. So good.

Sunday night, I spent almost 4 hours hanging out on my hall, just talking to my girls about the most random stuff. They are so funny and such a blessing to me. Ridiculous how much I love them.

Monday... oh, Monday. I got a B on my science test that I took last Friday. I had a date with my boss after I got off work at 2. We talked about lots of random stuff (seems to be a theme with me) and drank coffee at Starbucks (BTW - pumpkin lattes are SO good. My favorite). I shared some of my concerns and she listened, so that was good.

Also - random - I found out that my Grandma (and whole family, actually) knows the grandmother of a girl on my hall. They've been friends for a long time.

I had a flag football game, and while hiking the ball and guarding the line, a girl plowed me over. I landed with my hands flexed all the way back, with more weight on my right wrist than my left one. It knocked the breath out of me and I couldn't move my hands. I walked off the field, unable to breathe and with my wrists in excrutiating pain, like worse than I've ever experienced physically in my life. I was shaking, couldn't hold my hands still, and my right wrist was already swelling by the time I reached the sidelines. After the game, Shaun and I went to the Emergency Room, conveniently located right across the street.

We waited for about 3 hours, then they took X-Rays. And my right wrist isn't broken, but was dislocated. It popped back in on it's own, which was good. They gave me a splint to wear, and some pain medicine. And they gave me some codeine while I was still at the hospital, and THAT was fun...

All of my muscles turned to mush when it kicked in. Shaun was rubbing my back, just laughing because there was no tension whatsoever. My words got really sloppy and I was word vomiting. And then I got really sleepy.

Today, I couldn't take very good notes in class, but I got an A on last week's Human Development exam and an A on my math exam (good thing we could use that index card on it). The RAs had dinner together at Robb's then made signs and went to the volleyball game against St. Greg's. Fun stuff.

It rained this evening. Still 80 during the day.
I want FALL.

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