
Reclaiming Life.

I am in the process of restoring my iPod so that I can reload songs onto it. It is a little frustrating at times that it can't hold all my music, so I think that one day I will buy a new one. I don't think I want a touch, just because it seems like I would mess up a lot and pick one song when I wanted another. But it's not like I have an excess of money to buy a new iPod right now anyway.

One of my girls just asked me to read her spiritual journey testimony that she has to send in for a camp application. And now it has me thinking about MY spiritual journey, and particularly, the things that God is teaching me now.

I looked at my Africa scrapbook the other day, and my heart broke. Being here, so far away from my precious friends, makes it so hard for me to believe that their lives are real... but they are. Tahmee actually has AIDS. Brianna actually has a story identical to mine in so many ways. Vuyi actually cried with me in her living room. Candace actually wants to live in New York because she believes everyone is happy in America. Sofanee actually accepted Christ into his heart... he actually did... I will actually SEE him in Heaven one day.

I miss them.
Especially since reading K's updates about SAS. She just finished her two weeks in Africa. And man... I miss it. It just felt like home to me, being there, walking along the streets and being with the children. I was never scared (not even with the crazy lady). I never felt out of place. I just was. And Africa just was. And together, we were.

I love girls who just come into my room and talk. I love those friendships: the "Hey, can I tell you a story?" kind of ones, where they come in and sit down and are here just talking for two hours, without a single awkward silence because the conversation just flows. Those are my favorite.

God's teaching me about relationships. It's interesting. And good. I like it.

I'm learning about freedom...in life, in myself, in Christ. And I like it, too. I'm learning to Dress for Success. And that $45.00 is wasted when I skip class. So I don't skip class. Not that I ever had a problem with that. I'm learning more what it means to be a teacher and to impact people's lives. Awanas is awesome.

Especially tonight. Kelsey and Lillian and Jewels are fantastic girls. They make me feel so blessed to be where I am, doing what I do. And the other girls, too, and the guys. I have a rule where if the boys can't keep their hands to themselves, they have to hold my hand. It works well, and they get embarrassed when I make them hold my hand. Then Shaun was sad because he couldn't hold my hand. Ha. Then we held hands in the car - in MY car!!

My very own, 4-door 1992 Ford Escort with Oregon (soon to be ALASKAN) license plates. And I have my very own OBU parking sticker, and a support our troops ribbon. And my mom gave me two Breast Cancer Awareness rubber duckies, and my Dad gave me a cassette to put in my radio that plays my iPod through it. I'm rolling G. :) I drove to WalMart today. In MY car. And I might go back on Saturday.

The thing is, that now that I have a car, I have this burning desire to drive to like Louisiana or Florida or New Mexico just because I can. And I know that I can't... but I can at the same time! It takes a lot of self-control to not just get in my car and drive. The whole having responsibilities thing helps a lot.

I also really want to buy an American Girl Doll. The doll of the year, in fact, Mya, because I think she looks a lot like me. And I want to get Molly a new head. Her hair is missing because I brushed it too much growing up.

Shaun and I celebrate our two year anniversary this week, on Friday. Our date is scheduled for Saturday. And we decided that I would plan every even anniversary date and he would plan all the odd year anniversary dates. Thus, I am in charge of this one. And I have one idea so far... that will cost a LOT of money, so that's no good. And no, it does not involve driving to a random state. But it does involve a Ferris Wheel... kind of. Potentially.

I'm in a mellow music mood, so I am listening to Joe Purdy right now. I'm not sure if I have a mellow soul... I don't think I do. I like hardcore pop music (if pop music can BE hardcore) too much. Maybe I have a pop soul.
What are the requirements for a mellow soul? I'll ask Sarah. She has a mellow soul, and she could give me some guidance, I think.

Tomorrow will be busy. But alas. That's my life on Thursdays. I really want to sleep, since it's past midnight and I have two exams tomorrow. But I told a girl I would be up late, and she isn't back yet, so I should stay up. Ha, but ironic, since RA training yesterday was about setting boundaries. Ha.

And I'm reclaiming my New Year's Resolution. I like it.

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