

Last night, I was in my hall's lobby working on my personality project and listening to the TV, and a man was preaching a sermon. I was only half listening, but one of the things he said was that everything changes.

And yes, okay, duh.

But everything changes. When things are crappy, it's okay, because eventually they will change. And God works all things together for the good of those who love Him. And if I just trust Him, He will keep working it out.

Well, flash ahead to tonight. I'm sitting on my bed, working on the 4th of 6 lesson plans I have due tomorrow, and I decide to download Taylor Swift's new album, "Fearless" on Ruckus. The second song I listened to was called "Change" and it exactly mirrors the message I heard on TV last night.

Which now, has me thinking, "Crap - what's going to change?"

But still. It's nice to know that even when I don't know, God knows. And even when life is piling up around me, He knows what's going on and how to fix it.

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