

Thanksgiving Break is here. No classes for five days. Then only two weeks before finals. Then Christmas at Shaun's house (first time away from my parents for Christmas) then a whole month at home.

Surreal. Like, for real surreal.


I love Christmas present shopping. I've gotten 5 people done, for the most part, and have plans for others that need to be fulfilled. I love finding the perfect present, and knowing - JUST KNOWING - that he or she will love it.

I miss my Mom a lot. Taylor Swift's new song "The Best Day" reminds me of my Mom.

I want to get it on CD, maybe mix a CD and just put it in her car and let her listen to it. I'm learning - or maybe just realizing - more and more how much my Mom sacrificed and did for me growing up. She stayed up late making Halloween costumes, Easter dresses, and wrap skirts. She would leave work to pick me up from school when I was sick. She would sacrifice her own sleep when I got scared and crawled into bed with her when Dad was working the grave yard shift.

When I'm a mom - years from now - will I have that same amount of love and sacrifice?


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