
Feeling Fine.

Tooting my own horn:

I got my grades. Another 4.0. I'm proud of myself for achieving that, but I never really felt challenged this semester. It's a good thing I'm majoring in something I love because even when it's hard it's so much fun.

This whole "Lose Weight in 2008" thing... how'd it go? Well, it went okay. I'm down a pants size from last year. I want 2009 to be even better for me, not just physically. So "Feeling Fine in 2009" takes off on January 1st.

I want to spend the year becoming more confident in who I am as a woman, as a sister, as a friend, as a daughter, as a teacher. I want to get in even better shape than I am now. I want to be random and make good friends. I want to find out what really matters to me, what I'm actually good at, what is a blessing to God and others.

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