

Home again, home again.

It's funny how you can look forward to something so much, only to see how much things change. Or, rather, how much things don't change. Home hasn't changed. My parents are the same. The house is the same. Same frustrations, same feelings, same everything.

Brad is engaged. I am a bridesmaid in the wedding, and am now not only on a quest to find a knee-length, black, non-shiny dress with a conservative bust-line... but am on a quest so as not to be the fattest attendant at the wedding. Come on, 2009. Work with me.

One night last week, I was lying in bed, and I couldn't sleep. I kept thinking about how things change. Jeff is married with a son. Brad will be married in July. Mom and Dad will move out of this house one day. Soon, it will be my time.... and wow. Life goes by so fast that if we don't stop to look around, we'll miss it.

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