
Longboarding Love.

My beautiful new Goldcoast longboard.

Isn't is pretty? That was my one stipulation: that my board be pretty. Meanwhile, Shaun and all the guys were making sure it was actually a legit board.
One girl welcomed me to "The Cult" today. Ha.

Shaun and I have been riding together at night, and I rode some around campus today. Love it. I feel so... I don't know. It's just so fun. And exciting. And quite unlike anything else I do, so that's nice, too.

There is a hill by the library, which really is not that epic while you are walking. But when you are riding a longboard for like the 4th time ever, it is epic. I went down it today, and was pretty sure I was going to die. Shaun would have laughed at me.

The pavement and I are becoming quite good friends, with the number of times I have landed on it. My knee is bruised and scraped from it, and I still have a wicked scab from the aforementioned hill (from the first time I went down it, riding on Shaun's board with him).

The guys all go to the city sometimes and ride their longboards down parking garages. They all keep saying I need to go... maybe in two weeks, when I might actually be decent enough to not, you know, die.

-to wear a skirt while longboarding
-to go down a parking garage not scared
-to be considered "good"

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