
Short Hair.

My hair is gone. I didn't MEAN to have that much cut off... it just happened. But... I don't know. It's cute, right? I haven't had it this short since my freshman year here at OBU. So? Comments?

I think I like it. It will take some getting used to, for sure. But when I'm in South Asia, it will be nice to have short hair (since it'll be like 115 degrees everyday) and it's still long enough to pull back, so that's nice.

When I got in the car to go get my haircut, I started to just drive... and then drove for about 2 hours, with no destination in mind, taking all these back highways I had never been on before. It was Fantastic. There were so many hills I drove up and down. There were only a few cars out, and we just kind of did our thing. I had no idea where I was going, so I just turned randomly down roads. When I didn't know where to go, I would turn whichever direction the car in front of me turned. It was great. I saw a baby cow eating it's mom's milk. Precious.

And on my way back to Shawnee, via random highway, I found the Shawnee Country Club, where Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie stayed when they brought their clan to visit Brad's mom. It was fancy. Very nice houses back yonder.

Then I had to pee really badly, so I returned to OBU and talked to one of my girls before the fateful haircut, which you have already read about....


Kristina Huling said...

It's cute - I think it makes you look older actually. =)

Addison Degginer said...

you look beautiful. I love it!

Melissa Joy said...

Last night I was trying to debate whether I looked older or not, so thanks K.