

This music makes me feel... kind of alone and vulnerable, but also capable. Strong. Able to do and be more than I was before. It makes me feel like traveling quickly down an incline plane, the wind rushing past me as I contemplate... everything. Life. Words. The meaning. <> And trees and death and truly living and the difference between it all.

It's called "Missing Piece Number One" by Roger Eno.

So many ways to interpret that. Missing: Piece Number One. [I'm] Missing Piece Number One. Missing Piece - Number One. So many meanings... which one is true?

I haven't decided if it matters or not.

It makes me want to take pictures, epic ones, ones that make people stop and think and just BE for a minute or two. That doesn't happen often enough in this crazy, busy, wonderful, scary world. I don't do that often enough. Just sitting at Braum's with favorite people made me antsy. Made me want to get up and move - do something - go somewhere - be someone.

The new Bible Study, "What Do You Do With Your Wait?", makes me think it's okay to wait. I know it's okay to wait. But seeing - Biblically - why waiting is fine and good and a learning experience is really interesting. Challenging. God's been doing a lot of that challenging stuff lately.

A Favorite: "Release" by Helen Jane Long.

Ironic. Porcelain. Breakable. Nothing can be fixed if it isn't broken first. Nothing can be born unless something dies.

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