
14 Days.

There are two weeks until graduation. 14 Days. So, in honor of that, following is a list of my...

Top 14 Lessons Learned At OBU (Outside of the Classroom):
(in no particular order)

14. Long boarding down a hallway = bad idea.
13. Long boarding when late to class = another bad idea; also = broken elbow.
12. Finding a BFFFL is the best thing you can do.
11. You can always find enough quarters for a sno cone.
10. The best moments are unplanned.
9. Friends become family, especially in foreign countries.
8. Only some people will appreciate wetting-the-bed stories.
7. It's a lot harder to be yourself when you lack an awareness of who you are as an individual, separate from your home and people.
6. To obey is greater than sacrifice. (Well, actually, I learned that first semester, freshman year in Old Testament with Dr. Hall. But it really came to life outside of the classroom.)
5. People will know your business. Just get over it.
4. Photo shoots can make any dull day awesome.
3. It is important to take time to just be with the Father. I really learned that this year. I gained an awareness than I need Him, more than to just fulfill my needs. I need Him for everything.
2. Some memories are indescribable with words and images. I think back on things, like the North 40, French class, and Butt Punching, and all I can do is sit and smile and re-feel those moments.
1. The Father still works. I may not see it or get it or believe it, but He does. He always is because He loves.

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