
Nine Days!

There is a week and a half until graduation. 9 Days. So, in honor of that, following is a list of my...

Top 9 Most Embarrassing Moments: (in no particular order)

9. Wetting the bed. Twice.
8. Dislocating my elbow while riding my longboard.
7. The fact that the nurse knows my name.
6. This one time, while teaching 8th grade English, I was in the parking lot and my skirt flew up in the wind.
5. When Bill Pope gave me an ashamed look after his daughter told him I was dancing in the hallway of their house...to Justin Bieber.
4. The Butt Punch Game.
3. Buying putty to fix the hole we put in the Head RA Apartment from longboarding. Oops.
2. Hahaha - the goat skit.
1. Setting the fire alarm off in Kerr. On a Saturday morning. At 9am.

1 comment:

Kristina Huling said...

I'm glad that you can laugh at yourself. =)
And I have really been enjoying your lists.
Yay graduation soon!