
Two Days.

There is way less than one half week until graduation. 2 Days. So, in honor of that, following is a list of my...

Top 2 Things the Father Taught Me During my Time at OBU: (in no particular order)

2. Love. Being in South Africa, spending time with Tahmee, changed my life. Literally. This precious then-3-year-old girl became one of the brightest stars in my life. Through love - legitimate, full, godly love - this girl was transformed and I was there to witness it. No longer was she scared, robotic, and alone. She was a regular girl, playing on the swings, holding my hand, wanting me to tickle her.

If I love like I am supposed to - really, truly - the world will change. People will see that there is more, that cars and money and clothes are not the end all, be all in life.

1. Sacrifice. Ohhhh this was a hard one to learn. It took e on a rooftop, after reading John 12:1-8 over and over and over. I had reached the end of my rope and was broken, waiting on my knees for Him to come. So He did. It was great. But so hard. Learning that I need to be Mary - pouring out my perfume for the King, giving the most important thing to gain a closer relationship with Him...

Sacrifice means saying, "This thing I value is worth less than You and knowing You. It is hard, but must be done. Mary did not pour out her perfume then try and scoop it back into the container. She poured it out and let it be, His feet anointed.

This was a hard post to write. There are so many things He taught me. How could I possibly narrow it down? But these are the things that drastically changed my perception of the world. Other things have to - the importance of sacrifice, obedience, and being less ego-centric.

1 comment:

KK said...

Love you.