
One Day.

This is it. There is one day until graduation. 1 Day. So, in honor of that, following is a list of my...

Top 1 Memory at OBU: (in no particular order) (ha)


This was too hard. There are so many. Sorry.

- Late night wiffle ball on the tennis courts.
- The GC dance party after The Spring Affair Show and the IHOP coup that occurred thereafter.
- Tagging cars with Helena.
- Tie-dye.
- That time I went to get a haircut, then got distracted, and ended up just driving around Oklahoma for about 2 hours, talking to my Father.
- Dinner at Bill Pope's.
- Harvest Court photo shoots.
- The awkward first meeting with my India family.
- When Dr. Akin called me out on my attitude.
- B-street with Kim.
- Having Emily as a roommate.
- And Katie.
- Pacing at the airport for two hours, then seeing him come through security.
- Summer visits from Helena and Crab Hat Girl.
- When Kim and I went to Wal Mart late one night and that boy jumped in her sun roof at the stop light while we were in the middle of singing "Party in the USA."
- Chair racing in the ARA at a late night breakfast, then falling backward. In front of everyone.
- Working for the Mafia.
- Finding the dead bird in the Kerr attic.
- Movie premiers.
- Photo shoots.
- Ruth.
- That night at Saturday in the Park (but was really Saturday at OBU) when I was really mad at God and He put me in my place. That was really nice.
- Senior year.


julieann said...

Lot's of great memories. Congrats today! You are a college graduate :). I can't believe it has already been a year since I graduated!

KK said...

Congratulations "official" college graduate friend of mine! I was thinking about you all day and celebrating with you from afar. Job well done!

KK said...
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