
Another Year Older.

Today is my birthday. I am now 22 years old. I feel that that is much older than 21, though for reasons I cannot really identify. Maybe because I'm a year past the drinking age. Maybe because now I'm also a college graduate. Maybe because now, I've had my own apartment and my own life... and I've had to move away from it all.

I miss Oklahoma. I miss feeling like I have a home - my place - to be.

I love birthdays. :) A lot.

Tonight we are having dinner at home, per my request. Chicken stuffed with spinach and cheese; macaroni and cheese; fruit salad; asparagus; dinner rolls; and then... le creme de le creme: ice cream cake.

Chris bought me a dinosaur egg and it is hatching in my room at Grandma's as I type. We'll have the same birthday, me and the T-Rex. "T-Rex" makes me think of tea, which makes me think of Chai, which I am drinking in a cafe right now. So I think that's what I'll name it: Chai. Or Chai Baby.

Last night I was thinking about the last year. Being 21.

I went to South Asia. I broke up. I served as a bridesmaid in my brother's wedding in New York. I co-founded the MNHC. I climbed mountains. I started dating. I was a Tro-W during welcome week. I moved into my own apartment with roommates and was so blessed all year by one of them. I became OBU's Harvest Court 2009 Best All Around female and I bought a beautiful dress. I spent Thanksgiving with my grandparents for the first time ever. I showshoed up a mountain. I applied for, was accepted as, and chose to serve with the J-man program. I met Katie, with whom I actually just got off the phone. Nice timing. I ran 5K. I learned to play tennis. I started a mini-hat business. I learned to bat. I student taught in 4th grade. I planned and carried out a great exploration activity about Africa for my students. I roadtripped with two awesome girls to North Carolina. I went to Bill Pope's house for dinner. My portfolio and assessment project were kept as examples of good work. I graduated Summe Cum Laude. I began a roadtrip with my parents and boyfriend across the country, meaning that this year, I traveled from one end of I-40 to the other end. I learned a lot. More than I ever thought possible.

Wow. It's been good. Maybe the best so far.


Emily Harrison said...

I love this! I hope you had a wonderful birthday and I'm so thankful for this past year with you. I can't wait to see how the Lord uses you this next year!

KK said...

Perfect timing indeed.

Hope dinner was rockin! Fly safe Monday my dear!

P.S. In lieu of the potential for the Ethiopian adoption thing to not go through, I vote for us enacting a 10ish-year deadline upon which, instead of naming your child after me, you will instead name a pet or dinosaur egg in my memory thus preserving our promise and giving me a true and viable namesake. What do you think? ;)

heatherann said...

I hope my year of being 21 is as good as yours was! sounds like your dinner was de-lish!