
Obedience Over Uncertainty.

Two weeks from now, I'll be in VA - reunited with Katie, Melinda, and my other peeps. Oh, happy day! The emotions are mixed... but I keep referring back to things the Father revealed to me on Sunday.

Obedience over uncertainty.
Not allowing the fear of losing something overwhelm the excitement of what could be gained.
Courage to "go there."

My fears are abased on both uncertainties and the certain knowledge that life will change over the course of the next two years. I focus on what I will lose rather than one what I will gain. When that shift happens, doubt, fear, and a sense of aloneness creep in. They shove out any excitement I could have. I am scared to think about what could happen, though - scared that my deepest dreams will not be realized.

Psalm 37:4 "Delight yourself in the LORD and He will give you the desires of your heart."

While studying Ruth last semester, I was struck by the idea of "going there." Kelly Minter wrote in "Ruth: Loss, Love, and Legacy," "Rut was about to 'go there' [with God as she approached the threshing floor]... Some places we can only go with God by ourselves - there's just no way to take anyone with us. It was simply a walk of faith, a humble obedience with no strings attached. And this is the way we must approach our own threshing floors. Without demands. Sometimes in the dark. Alone. But with the expectation that God will always be faithful and good." (92)

I must go there. I must, again, put everything on the threshing floor. I must allow myself time to be alone with Him, as Ruth and Boaz were alone together. I must share with Him; I must dream and think; I must determine the desires of my heart.

David did that, too. He went there. He stepped out of the battle line, though no one else would, and he went to war with Goliath. Before that, he went before the King. He was not afraid, though he could not see exactly how it would end. He was obedient. His faith in the Father was more than enough to give him the courage He needed.

Obedience over uncertainty.

1 comment:

KK said...

Perfect post.

Love you.