
Part Two.

There is a whole ceremony that surrounds a Jewish betrothal.

First, the father of the groom chooses the Bride for his son.
Then, the Groom and the father of the Bride negotiate a bride price that consists of silver and some material item.
Then, the Groom goes to the Bride's house for the betrothal ceremony.

When he knocks on the door, the Bride must answer. If she does not, she is refusing the proposal and the deal is off.
If she opens the door, the Groom asks to dine and drink the betrothal cup with her.

They share a meal, and a glass of wine.

They invite the Priest and their family in to witness the signing of the legal document. This document outlines what the Groom promises the Bride as his betrothed. Included in this document must be a promise for food, clothing, and sex.
Then, the Groom gives the Bride a plain gold band, to be worn on the index finger of her right hand. This serves as a reminder of their betrothal because next, the Groom leaves for a year to prepare their bridal chamber and house.

When he leaves, the Bride undergoes a year of preparation for their wedding: making food, her wedding gown, and going through several ceremonial bathings.

I am the chosen, betrothed bride of Christ.
I was chosen by His Father, before the creation of the world, before I did anything to deserve it. Why? Because I was created by Him, to show His love to a world that so desperately needs it. The Father's love was not enough; the Son's - my Groom's - love makes me complete.
He paid a great bride price: All of my debt. Ever. For all of my sins. Ever.

Then he came, knocking on my door.

I opened it when I was five years old. I was playing with my Barbies and realized, "I'm a sinner!" I ran to the living room, crying, knelt at the couch, and prayed. I asked God for forgiveness, to save me. Then, I got up, rejoiced, and returned to my Barbies.

We've had betrothal meals, sharing the cup. It's called communion.
He gave me a document, the Word, promising food and clothing - the birds of the air and the flowers of the field do not worry about such things, so why shall I? He even promises to bear fruit, as an earthly husband does for his earthly wife. This is not a baby-fruit; it is spirit-fruit. Love. Joy. Peace. Patience. Kindness. Goodness. Faithfulness. Gentleness. Self-control.
He gave me a ring. The Holy Spirit is the seal on my heart, reminding me of our betrothal. And now, He is off preparing a place for us.

Meanwhile, I am being cleansed, purified. I've been washed - baptized. My past has been cleaned away to prepare me for new life with Him.
Life with Him. My Groom.

I am the beautiful, chosen, holy, blameless Bride of Christ. I was chosen, paid for, dined with, and sealed. I am His and He is mine. The rest is History.

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