
To My Parents.

Dear Momma and Dad,

Growing up, I did not always appreciate you. I didn't understand why you wanted to know my friends' parents, I hated having to tell you when I got home. My curfew was always too early, in my opinion. But I think that going to college helped me appreciate you more. Seeing you twice a year made me value that time more.

And now, living at home again, my level of respect and appreciation for you has grown even more. Not only do you let me live at home, rent-free, but you let me drive your car, among other things. Working full time has made me appreciate how you balance your time, how you never made housework a priority so that you could spend more time with us.

So, I don't say it enough, but thanks for being wonderfully uniquely you. Thank you for having a marriage that is 30+ years strong. Thank you for praying together at dinner. I appreciate it.

Your Favorite Off-Spring
(Don't worry, I won't tell the others.)

1 comment:

Kristina Huling said...

It's a daughter thing, I'm pretty sure I'm the favorite too.