
To My Crush.

Hey Chris.

Remember that time when we got Cold Stone before going to the park and talking? It was our first date, something I never thought would ever happen. I was cold; you offered my your jacket. Thank you.

Remember our second sit-down dinner? We went to The Indian Restaurant That Is No More. On the way there, I asked, "Will you eat with your hands?" You didn't know this at the time, but it was a deal-breaker: if you wouldn't eat with your hands, I would not have gone out with you again. But you just blinked and said, "Yeah. Sure." And you did. Quite well, I might add. After dinner, with our hands still giving off that curry and onion scent, we went to the lake and you surprised me with painting supplies. It was rainy and cold and we sat under the gazebo. I painted you a dinosaur and you made me a water scene. Thank you.

Remember when you had to pick me up at the airport because it was late and my parents were sick? It was awkward - our first time together in months. We hugged, but didn't talk much. Lots of looking at each other and smiling, like middle school kids. That night, in the car on the way home, you drove 43 MPH and we held hands for the first time. Thank you.

Sometimes, often, when I think of you, I get that stupid goofy grin on my face. I wonder what people think when they see it. Either, "Wow, that girl is special..." or "Wow, that girl has someone special in her life..." The latter is absolutely true. You are that someone special.

Sometimes, when you hold my hand, I still get those butterflies. I like how we hold hands - with my pinky and ring finger on the inside, so it's like your whole hand is swallowing mine. It started because you were hurt, and now it is second nature. I blushed the first few times we held hands, thinking, "Is this okay? I can't believe he wants to hold MY hand!"

Sometimes, when you give me a hug, I just melt into your arms. I never want to leave because there I feel special and safe. You give nice hugs.

This crush isn't new. In fact, I liked you in high school, too. But you weren't interested and we both moved on. I'm glad we needed shoes on the same day because I don't know where I would be without you. Thank you for supporting me when I thought I was moving to India. Thank you for supporting me when I came home. Thank you for praying at my house with my Mom during those rough times.

Also, thank you for being thoughtful - genuinely thoughtful. The easel you made, totally passing the Lowes challenge. The Necklace That Said It All. The Coach purse, because you knew I like them and would never buy one for myself. That may be my favorite thing about you- how thoughtful you are. Thank you for putting God first, and for allowing me to be second.


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