
To Someone I Don't Talk To As Much As I'd Like To.

Hi, Brothers. And their lovely wives.

I don't talk to you as much as I would like to.
I'm sorry.

So here's the deal. If I could tell you anything about myself and life, it would be:
1. I really enjoy teaching. More than most else in life. If I were not a teacher, I would be... I have no idea. I take that back. I would be an archaeologist. But I would have to go back to school for a LONG time. So if I couldn't be a teacher, I have NO IDEA what I would do right now. Probably work in a bookstore. Or a daycare. No, not a daycare. That would be awful, especially if the kids are biters. I have a student right now who is a biter.
2. I wonder sometimes about love and I would enjoy hearing your thoughts about it. How did you know it was love? What actions do you take to show your spouse you love them? How do show love even when you don't feel it?
3. Was I a good little sister? Do I make you proud with what I do and who I am?
4. If you could go on vacation by yourself - to anywhere in the world, all expense-paid - without your spouse - where would you go and what would you do? I would go to Africa. And probably stumble upon some random village. I would braid women's hair and take dolls for the little girls and tell stories. I would probably get a sunburn, but I would wear all the traditional clothing. Batik. And I would learn to weave cloth. You know what? I loved Africa. It felt just like home. I can't even explain it. India was NOT like that, but India changed my world and how I do things in ways that Africa did not. India was hard. Really hard. But at the same time, I felt the Holy Spirit move in my life. It was amazing. Indescribable. I also fell in poop in India, before wetting the bed.
5. I don't get embarrassed often. Do you?
6. I like to be creative. Crocheting, Knitting sometimes, painting, whatever. It is... music to my soul when I can't carry a tune.
7. My favorite numbers are 7 and 3. But not because they are Biblical. I always set my alarm so that it ends in either of those numbers because then I feel like I am sleeping in for 2 or 3 minutes that I wouldn't get if I woke up on a solid 0 or 5.

But mostly, I would tell you that I love you and appreciate you.

That's all.


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