
To A Stranger.

Hey you.

Yes, YOU.

What do you see when you look at me? Do you judge me as too heavy? Too short? Too... anything?
When I speak, or fail to, am I judged as stupid or ignorant?

Am I stand-offish? Do I intrigue you? Do you care either way? Do you care at all?

Do you think I'm beautiful? Worth it? Lovely?
What do you think my hidden talents are, just by looking at me? Can you tell I like to teach? That I usually wear shorts and tall boots home from the gym, where I go 5 days a week? That I am the youngest in my family?

Maybe one day you won't be a stranger. Maybe one day you will be important - more important than anyone else. Everyone starts out as strangers. Magical how they don't stay that way, really.

A Fellow Stranger.
But not Stranger Than Fiction.


Kristina Huling said...

I like the new layout.

Also, this wasn't as awkward to read as it sounds like it was to write, if that's any comfort.

Melissa Joy said...

I didn't mean this one - the Ex-Boyfriend one.

And thanks!