
Highlights and Lowlights.

- Being home sick from work for two days... but crocheting a sweater during my downtime!
- A really delicious hamburger last night, with a half avocado on top.
- Getting to buy new painting supplies.
- A cake ball from HanHan. (It was so yummy.)
- Free haircuts.
- Cussing in church.
- Forgiveness.
- Coffee dates that are enveloped in heart-to-hearts.
- Uncertainty and anger.
- Three day weekend.

That basically sums it all up.


Anonymous said...

Yay! I'm glad you liked the cake pop!
Question- is the "cussing in church" one a highlight or a lowlight? I can't tell.

Melissa Joy said...

Ha, that was a mixed experience. It was a lowlight, but so random that it made me laugh a little.