
To Teach Or Not To Teach?

Lately, I've been thinking: What if I don't actually want to be a teacher? What if I want to go back to school to study, like, mummies or marine biology, or something? Am I having a mid-life crisis before I reach the age of 23?

My job, so often, is mundane, with limited outlets for creativity or excitement. Then, this afternoon, I fell back in love with teaching. It was marvelous.

I encouraged three fourth graders to be excited about writing "How To" reports; we voted on the winner and they received a sparkly sticker. (The winner wrote about how to clean out a griffin's cage. Step one: Put on a gas mask.) Then, I told a really wonderful story to first graders about a griffin named Gregory who likes to eat Green Beans and order mashed potatoes with sprinkles for dessert. It was funny and creative and they liked it.

But alas. I was not hired by Bristol Bay. Even though they gushed over my resume. And my interview. And my references. Instead, the person they hired had more experience. HOWEVER, I got home today and there was a message from the Superintendent at Bristol Bay. Upon calling him back, he told me that he had passed my name to the Sup. of another school district that is hiring. He said that they really were impressed and were bummed with how the chips fell this time. SO maybe there's hope after all. Maybe.

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