
Things For Which I Am Thankful.

- The day off of work.
- The fair being in town. I love the fair.
- The visit from Brad, and walking on the glacier with him, Chris, and Lola.

- Planking.

- Dwelling in love. Proverbs 10:12 "Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all offenses."
- Talking with a great friend one day and the encouragement therein.
- Being invited to go to Brazil with an African buddy.
- Ordering books on Amazon.com
- "No matter how the wind may blow, it cannot shake the son."
- Cold weather; holding hands on the Ferris Wheel; sacrifice.
- Lola.


KK said...

You should know that I think you're awesome...

Melissa Joy said...

I think you're awesome too! Oh my goodness. We should be friends :)