
12 Things In 2012.

12 Things To Do In 2012:
- Read through the Bible
- Pray for every country in the world
- Give sacrificially to the Lord and His work
- Try something new every month
- Wear clothes that make me feel beautiful
- Find my passion and pursue it
- Be a better sister and daughter
- Don’t be afraid to do things by myself
- Apply to Grad School (or at least pick one or two to which I want to apply)
- Retreat with the Lord
- Once again it’s on my list: 6-pack abs
- Vacation. AKA, use that ticket I have.

12 Things NOT To Do In 2012:
- Waste pointless hours on Facebook
- Compare myself to others, especially with regards to looks, relationships, or the direction in which their lives are going
- Cry over a boy
- Obsess over Krochet Kids
- Live vicariously through someone else
- Live in tomorrow or next year
- Withhold forgiveness
- Act impatiently toward my GAs, coworkers, or family
- Complain about something when I can just change it
- Refuse sleep or naps when they are available
- Watch pointless TV shows
- Settle

1 comment:

Kristina Huling said...

I like your lists. I may very well copy them all. I have a thing for lists.