
If You Could Have Dinner With Anyone In History, Who Would It Be And What Would You Eat?


The Mary from John 12:1 and following.  The Mary who poured the most expensive thing she owned - a half-liter of perfume - onto Jesus' feet - which were probably cracked and dry and dirty - and she wiped them off with what was probably one of the prettiest things about her - her hair.

What love. What worship. What devotion to the Lord Most High.

I would love to sit and eat bread and vegetables and hummus and talk with her about that.  Why she did that.  If she was scared.  If the boys teased her.  What her dad say about "wasting" something that could have fed so many people, or if that even was his perspective.

Did Jesus hug her afterward?  Was that culturally acceptable? Probably not.  But then again, Christ didn't really care about being culturally acceptable...

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