
List 20 Random Facts About Yourself.

- I have pink braces, but will get them changed on May 17.
- When I check tags on laundry and see that they say "tumble dry," as I put them in the dryer, I always say, "Tumble Bumble!" and I don't know why.
- I still like to play with Legos.
- I recently bought the COOLEST crab pin ever from a thrift store.
- Sometimes, I end up sleeping width-wise in my bed instead of length-wise.
- I would get married in Vegas.
- What I really want for my birthday: to know I am in the Lord's will in every area in my life.
- I haven't been to the ER for six months (which is good for me!)
- I alternate between calling my Jeep The Beast and Violet.
- I floss my teeth every night.
- I want to adopt small African children (and will name one of them Katie, as promised.).
- I use a Mac at home and a Dell at work. And I like them both.
- A student worker gave me a baked potato at work the other day. And I ate it. It was marvelous, actually.
- I ran a little over three miles, very slowly, for the first time in years.
- My GAs just crack me up.  They are so funny and clever and I love to spend time with them.
- Giraffes are my favorite animals (at least for now).
- If I could live anywhere, I would live in North Carolina, on the West Coast, or in Africa. But Alaska is good for now.
- Every week, I send out roughly 5 mass e-mails at work, most of which the Superintendent reads.  Apparently, she thinks I am a good writer.
- My birthday is in two weeks!!!!!
- For a long time, I didn't like the color purple but now I do.  In fact, purple and green are my favorite colors.


KK said...

I look forward to meeting my namesake one day...

Kristina Huling said...

I like Mrs. Paramo. She knows who I am. It's a nice feeling.