
List Ten People Who Have Influenced You And Describe How.

- Mom and Dad. Teaching me about service, always being prepared, and how to properly eat ice-cream.  Life lessons to never forget.
- Katie K. Talk about a huge heart for the Lord and making Him known.  What an inspiration and what a great friend.
- Allen. Reminded me it's okay to just be silly and have fun. It's okay to tease each other and be teased in return.  Love seeing his heart with God.
- Kim. We haven't talked much since college, but she befriended me when I was mostly lost and wandering.
- Ms. Linda. She teaches me how to be an adult woman, finding her way in life while relying on the Lord time and time again.  She has endless grace.
- My GAs. They are so eager to share praises and prayer requests, something that gets lost as people grow up.  Those little things don't really "matter" anymore... when they do.  All of it does.
- My sisters.  Ha, oh the times we had in high school and now, beyond. We are all growing up, but I love being with them.
- Grandma. She constantly serves, always putting herself behind others. Sacrificial.
- India family. I think they were more important to me than I realized at the time. But they supported me in ways they don't even know.
- The ex-boyfriends.  That's odd. But they taught me what love is and isn't, what I do and don't want in an FH, and the importance of not settling.
- Joe and Janelle. Another example of a godly marriage. Another couple I can look up. They are so faithful to what God is calling them and their growing family to do.

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